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New look for Autumn.


When you are a small producer, it can be tricky to find the time to get your branding just right. Often small producers will create something functional that just

does the job. Some go a lot further and really invest a lot of time and effort into their brand, labels, images etc.

At Wych's Brew we have been making our gins for a few years now and we have created the images and label designs ourselves based on ideas we have had and a little bit of wonky creativity. This is fine... for a while at least.

We began to realise that our branding was ok, but only ok, and with a bit more time to look at this we decided that we would like to make a change. This decision was also prompted by the introduction of our newest, third gin - Rhubarb Blush. We were keen to start off our new product with something special and this forced us to look at the labels for all three of our gins.

Thankfully we have a marketing guru in the family (my fabulous sister Kate), and so we commissioned her (we paid, quite rightly!) to come up with three great designs for our bottles that would still capture the elements of what we wanted but without losing the sense of who we are. We wanted consistency and something that would be attractive and professional. We received two options for labels and they were both great. It was actually a very difficult decision because they were both amazing designs in their own right. In the end we opted for the ones that we have been rolling out.

This creates a slight headache as we need to go ahead and change the images on our website and any other publicity. But this is a nice headache to have as we are so proud of our new designs and we feel that they are truly us. Not so much wonky any more, but as we put the labels on by hand there will still be some wonky moments.

We will be rolling out all of the designs at the Whitchurch Blackberry Fair on Saturday 5th October, and hopefully they will be well received. For the foreseeable future our gins will all use the same labels and perhaps we will get a design for the Cheshire Gold cider too.

We hope you will agree that the gins now look spectacular and the Wych's Brew image is maturing nicely - very much like a good sloe gin.

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